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Non Fiction Awards 2010_2015.pdf Non Fiction Awards 2010_2015.pdf
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Newbery Medal Only List2015.docx Newbery Medal Only List2015.docx
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Newberry Awards and Honor List 19222011.docx Newberry Awards and Honor List 19222011.docx
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Type : docx

All About Books 

The Hobbit, is filled with fantasy, magic and adventure and will keep you reading until the end in this classical novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

39 Clues is an adventure series that allows the reader to collect cards and interact with the book with the use of online activation codes.  These books are written by several popular children's authors. 

If you are adventurous and love animals, read the American Classic, Old Yeller, written by Fred Gipson.

If you like mystery and detective stories, stop by the library and read a book from the Chet Gecko series written by Bruce Hale.

Brooklyn and Nico are both being haunted by people who are dear to their hearts in the novel, Chasing Brooklyn, by Lisa Schroeder.

Nick and Allie are killed in an automobile accident and meet as they are heading down a tunnel toward the light and find themselves in the land of Everlost.